La Esencia del Atiy

martes, 12 de marzo de 2013


Who knew that a few years ago began studying at the university, San Marcos University, generally, all the guys admire people who study there, but in my case is a little different because I'm not proud to be someone well a student at San Marcos. Well, now being prepared for the graduation ceremony. A great event for people who complete their studies in college, my education was very peculiar because sleeping in class and in the halls as well. But still, approved examinations, is curious.

Now I'm seeing the invitations for the ceremony, which are intended for my parents, uncles, cousins​​. 
Really a mess for all the details involved in preparing the entire ceremony.

I thought to invite a very special person to me, a friend I met in my first year of college, but now, we did not talk much because of personal problems, I miss a lot. Always pray to God to be good at all times.
The memories that make one during college are unique indeed by the teachings left in one's heart.

Well, this is my personal blog. Usually I do not write in English, but due to a task, I did this time.

thanks, teacher Dale Hemme.